Stories of cultural interaction hired me to realise various illustrations of cultural differences following their easy-to-read stories.

“During their resettlement migrants face numerous instances where cultural differences emerge. Normal, day-to-day situations mostly turn out to be pleasant encounters, but sometimes also startling or even mind boggling. The Connect2Us foundation helps people recognize, understand and accept cultural differences through storytelling”.

The easy-to-read stories illuminate what’s really going on when people of different cultural backgrounds interact in everyday situations. The illustrations help the reader to recognize these intercultural situations.

The purpose of my drawings is to define the key moment of the stories, and I’m very happy with the result. If you want to read the related story just click on the image (you will be redirected to the official english website). All the stories are available in English, French, Dutch and German too.

Juan Carlos at the door around dinner time

Juan Carlos rings the doorbell around dinner time

Talk, sound, or noise?

A conversation or noise?

Han and the tomato soup

Han feels at home

Zayed meets a leader

The politician

Zaid invited to a wedding


Who is the coach?

The coach

Friendly neighbours

Friendly neighbours

João shows his success

Good luck

Anxhela feels left out

Where can I sit?

Mahmoud negotiating with a supplier

Mahmoud negotiates

Happy Birthday!

Giving three kisses?

Manny and the ladies

A friendly smile

Hanan gets no answer

No answer

Hanan at the meeting

The meeting

Suhana at the doctor

Suhana at the doctor’s office

Valeria thinks it’s not clear

The teacher is unclear

Looking the teacher in the eye

Nabil does not look at the teacher

A piano duo

No, thank you.

Martina scowls



The doctor is not clear

A crying baby

Picking up the children

A Whatsapp

The director is a clown

The Efteling